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Balance Report
Updated over a week ago

Balance Summary

The Balance report page will display the balance summary on the top with different indicators, depending on whether your account processes Payins, Payouts or both.

See the details for each indicator below.


  • Available balance: displays the available balance for withdrawals.

  • Payins in transit: displays the sum of completed payins which have not passed the settlement period.

  • Current balance: displays the sum of Available balance and Payins in transit.

  • In transit to your bank: displays the funds requested for withdrawal that are currently being transferred to your bank account.


  • Available for payouts: displays the available balance for new payouts instructions.

  • Payouts in transit: displays the payout instructions currently being processed which have not been yet deducted from your current balance.

  • Current balance: displays the sum of Available for payouts and Payouts in transit.

Payins and Payouts

If you process both, payins and payouts you will see all the indicators mentioned above.

  • Current balance: displays the current balance of all cleared payins & payouts transactions.

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