Withdrawals listing
In this list you will find all the Withdrawals with their corresponding status (completed, pending or cancelled). And a link to the detailed view.
In the detail view you will find the main information about the money withdrawal, listed at the top for a quick review (Status, Creation Date and Bank Name).
Below you will find all withdrawal and bank details:
Withdrawal Id: Id linked to the settlement/withdrawal.
Type: manual or automated (scroll down for for details).
Transactions: shows the list of original payments linked to this settlement.
Transferred amount: amount transferred to the merchant’s account.
Fee: costs associated to the transfer.
Bank Details: lists the information about the merchant’s bank where the funds were transferred.
Manual withdrawal request
To start a manual request click on the Request withdrawal button.
Then complete the manual withdrawal request with request input:
Amount requested: amount to be transferred to your bank account will be displayed.
Withdraw to: select the Bank account.
Comments: add any relevant information or clarification.
For automated withdrawals, please go to the “General settings” section and select “Configure automated withdrawals.”